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Ystyr adeilad

Mae “adeilad” yn cael ei ddiffinio yn y Ddeddf Adeiladu 1984 (BA 1984) fel “any permanent or temporary building, and, unless the context otherwise requires, it includes any other structure or erection of whatever kind or nature (whether permanent or temporary).”

Mae'r diffiniad hwn yn gymwys at ddibenion Rhan 1 y BA 1984 ac unrhyw ddeddfiad arall sy'n ymwneud â rheoliadau adeiladu, neu sy'n sôn am ‘adeiladau’ neu ‘adeilad’ mewn cyd-destun lle’r ymddengys y bwriedir i’r cyfeiriadau hynny fod â'r un ystyr ag yn Rhan 1 y BA 1984.
Mae ‘Rheoliadau Adeiladu’ wedi’u diffinio yn y BA 1984. Dyma’r diffiniad:

“In this Act—

  1. ‘building regulations’ means, subject to paragraph (b) below, regulations made under section 1 above;
  2. a reference to building regulations, in a particular case in relation to which a requirement of building regulations is for the time being dispensed with, waived, relaxed or modified by virtue of section 8 or 11 above or any other enactment, is a reference to building regulations as they apply in that case, unless the context otherwise requires.”

Y prif reoliadau a wnaed dan adran 1 o’r BA 1984 yw Rheoliadau Adeiladu 2010 a’r Rheoliadau Adeiladu (Arolygwyr Cymeradwy ac ati) 2010.

Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf
Diweddarwyd diwethaf
21 Mehefin 2021